Say it loud and proud!

Our words carry weight because they carry life. Our voices carry the sound of the future. What we do with it, determines the future of our nation. When we say “our '', we refer to every woman. Women who were born with destiny and purpose. 

It would’ve been easy for our 10 female entrepreneurs to back out and say, “this is not for me”. But, instead, these women decided to speak up. To say it loud and proud. Starting a business is not easy, but it’s extremely rewarding.

10 of our female entrepreneurs had the opportunity to pitch their businesses to a panel of investors on Wednesday, 25 August 2021. Below is a list of the entrepreneurs and their respective businesses:

Cherith Wareley - Pink Cinnamon

 Melissa Miller - Desserts by M.M

Each entrepreneur had 3 minutes to introduce us to their business and demonstrate how their business has been operating as well as how an investment would assist them in further growing their business. These entrepreneurs understand that in order to move forward and be successful entrepreneurs, they have to pursue every opportunity. Pitch Night was no different. It was an opportunity for these entrepreneurs to share about their businesses without a guarantee of receiving an investment. The opportunity to share about your business is not only an opportunity for potential investment, but it is an opportunity for growth. 

“There is nothing like a concrete life plan to weigh you down. Because if you always have one eye on some future goal, you stop paying attention to the job at hand, miss opportunities that might arise, and stay fixedly on one path, even when a better, newer course might have opened up.” ― Indra Nooyi

We know that this is just the beginning for each entrepreneur and we commit to supporting them on this journey. 

To show our support, we had a few spot prizes as well as a “Fan Favourite” prize for the evening.

The winner of the Fan Favourite prize (R5000 cash prize) was the founder and CEO of Miss Ellie’s, Eleanor Noble (pictured on the right)

Each participating entrepreneur also walked away with a prize package. All of our prizes were sponsored by female-led enterprises, which we are extremely proud of. We would like to thank each sponsor for their contribution to making our Start Up Women Pitch Night a huge success. 

Our Partners and Sponsors: RLabs, Hit @ Thirty1, Aweh Online Marketplace, Hairmosphere, Udaa Beauty, Kim Square, Bell’s Kitchen, Maggie’s Laundry, Prints of PEACE, Enjoy Your Life, Ginger House, thinkd, WS Perfumes, Kind Arts, Zlto and Cakes & Bakes by Astrid.

If you’d like to invest in our female entrepreneurs, simply visit our website and pledge your support today.