Junk.Fund raises capital through a crowdfunding platform that provides women entrepreneurs with access to capital

“Our investment helps female entrepreneurs to creatively activate the greater vision of their business by providing them with tangible and intangible resources” – RLabs Women

Give with a purpose

Have people repurpose clothing or functional items as a donation to Junk.Fund. The items are sold for no more than R100 and monetary proceeds go the the Social Project of the Month. The items not sold are donated to a social impact project for further repurposing.

Invest in an Entrepreneur

We are inviting everyone to invest in the fund the money they would usually use to spend on junk food (fast food). This investment will be used to support in an aspiring entrepreneur. The investor (depending on the size of the investment) will have a chance to nominate an entrepreneur as a recipient. Funds are paid out monthly and the entrepreneur has a chance to attend our SME Boost sessions for further entrepreneurship support.

Junk.Fund Covid-19 Campaign

Meet Musa Jakuja (Cooking Heals) who has just benefited from our Junk.Fund investment pillar! During this time we understand that for all entrepreneurs especially SME’s, lockdown could take a toll on your business.

We, as RLabs Women, have a solution though. You can now contribute positively during the pandemic, now is your time to tap in and assist a queen and let’s beat COVID-19!

Bank details:

Bank: FNB Acc no: 62271817185

Branch: 250655

Reference: junk.fund

Email your proof of payment to women@rlabs.org